Opinion Article: Technology

By: Charan Jot Rattan

We all use some sort of technology every day. Whether it’s a phone, computer, Television we all use some form of technology. Technology has evolved over the years. New things come out every day. Technology is a really good thing for school because all work is done online now and all stuff for school is done online as well. Before computers everyone did stuff by hand whether it was homework, taking notes, writing a paper. Technology does have some disadvantages as well. People have become dependent on technology. People cannot do daily activities without checking twitter or snapchatting what they’re doing. Before google maps people would use giant maps to figure out where to go, but because of the maps app people can easily get directions to where to go and how far it is and even see how much traffic there is.

Technology has taught us so many new things. We have learned so much about our world and the things on it with the help of technology. We continue to learn and teach with the help of new technology that is available. So many educational apps are available to help further children and their education. Many teachers use computers and iPads in schools so students will learn easier on them than writing on a piece of paper. One downside to iPads in school is that children misuse the iPads sometimes, but that is not a huge thing to worry about.

Making work for children due online is good thing and a bad thing. It is good because it quick and easy. It is bad because children who do not have access to computers have a harder time turning in homework. Bill Gates has programs around the world to help children who don’t have access to computers. He has helped many families and children.

Using computers has helped the reduce the use of paper as well. Paper comes from trees and trees provide us with oxygen. Trees are very important to the ecosystem and nature. Computers help reduce this because everyone types their papers or do their work on their computers. Everyone uses computers whether it’s for school, work, fun, gaming, the list goes on. Computers are advancing every day and there is more and more you can do it then you ever could. Technology has helped us discover new species as well as water on Mars and we have learned more about space than we ever had before. We have self-driving cars now. Tesla’s autopilot drives for you and parks the car for you. The future of technology is bright, everything will be technology based. People have jobs that are done on their computers in their home. So much can be done with the advancement of technology. The world can be changed, but who knows whether it will be for the good of the world. All in all, technology is the future.


Global Warming: What Can we Do?

By: Charan Jot Rattan

Global warming has become a worldwide problem only getting worse every day. Many people are trying so much to slow it down or stop it. People worldwide are planting more trees because so many have been cut down and that has contributing to the problem. In July alone Ethiopia planted 350 million trees according to CNN. These are going to help with global warming.

The oceans have been filled with trash and waste which has affected the sea animals. According to Conserveturtles.org 1 million marine animals including mammals, sharks, fish, turtles, and birds are killed each year. 1 million animals each year all because someone just could not put their trash in the trash can. It also says that there is an estimated 100 million tons of plastic waste in the oceans. People continue to use plastic bottles, but don’t recycle them. Plastic can take anywhere from 10 to 1,000 years to decompose. We need to do all we can to stop global warming.

Students and teenagers have been rising up together to stop the use of plastic. Many people have started to use metal, paper, or reusable straws. Over 8.3 billion straws pollute the Earths beaches. Plastic straws have been ban in many cities such as, Alameda, Carmel, San Luis and New York City, Hawaii and California have pending straw ban legislations. People use reusable water bottles to stop the use of plastic.

According to scientists of the UN we only have 11 years left before climate change and its damage is irreversible. Since 1993 to present sea levels have risen over 2.5 inches. Each year the seas levels rise because ice caps are melting at an alarming rate. Each year the temperature is the highest it’s ever been in the summer or the lowest in the winter. In 2019 alone it snowed in Chicago in October. There have been deadly hurricanes all throughout August and September. The coldest temperature was in January 2019 at -30 degrees. There was a cold wave and people were unable to leave their homes because of how cold it was. Insides of houses were freezing even with the heat on high. Alaska had record breaking temperature during the summer, the hottest was 93 degrees. This caused hundreds and hundreds of salmon to die in Alaska. The water became too hot for the fish therefore they died.

India is the most polluted country in the world. According to ig.ft.com, more than 4 in 1 Indians are exposed to 5 times the safe limit of particulate matter in the air they breathe. China is a close second to most polluted country. 90% of China’s population is exposed to triple the safe limit particulate matter in the air that they breathe. Most people in these countries have to wear face masks when they leave their homes because of how bad the air quality is. India still burns coal for electricity which causes a lot of pollution.

We all need to work together to help stop climate change and have a safe world to live in. We need to cut down or use of plastic and put trash in the trash can where it should be. We need to cut down the amount of meat and fish we consume. According to theconversation.com we need to cut down dairy and meat to help stop climate change and global warming. “Livestock farming has a vast environmental footprint. It contributes to land and water degradation, biodiversity loss, acid rain, coral reef degeneration and deforestation. Nowhere is this impact more apparent than climate change – livestock farming contributes 18% of human produced greenhouse gas emissions worldwide.” There are so many alternatives to meat and dairy such as almond milk, oat milk (my personal favorite), and so many more. You can also eat tofu and if cooked and seasoned the right way can taste exactly like chicken or steak. Companies make tofy chicken tenders that taste exactly like chicken. Being vegetarian or going vegan help the environment so much. The less animals you eat the more it helps. You can make such an impact from not eating meat.

All in all, we can stop global warming from taking over and ruining the planet, but first we have to stop ourselves from ruining it.


Should we have class on Columbus Day?

By: Charan Jot Rattan


Growing up we have all learned in school about Christopher Columbus. How he sailed the ocean blue in 1492. Later on, in high school our teachers tell us the bitter truth of Columbus Day and what actually happened when Columbus misread his map and made his way to America. We learned that Columbus wanted to go to India and get spices and things, but he ended up in America, but still thought that he was in India because the Native Americans were here. Instead of actually realizing this he decided to take over and ruin the Native Americans lives and destroy what they had. Despite knowing this we have celebrated Columbus day for as long as I can remember. Many people think we should still celebrate it, but many people also think that Columbus day should not exist. I for one think Columbus day should never be celebrated. Instead celebrate the Native Americans who were there and their lives. I talked to a fellow student and friend, who recently graduated about this topic and this is what they had to say.

Q: What is your name

A: Deidra Lebron

Q: Do you think we should celebrate Columbus day?

A: No we should never celebrate it. We should get rid of it from calendars and all things in America that have to do with Columbus.

Q: Why do you think we should never celebrate?

A: Christopher Columbus was not a good person. He is made to be a smart navigator, but he got lost on his way to India and ended up here. He then is said to have discovered America even though Native Americans had been living here for years and years prior.

Q: Do you think Christopher Columbus should still be taught in school?

A: I think we should teach children the real truth about Christopher Columbus. In school they teach us that he was great and got along with the Native Americans, but in reality none of that is true at all.

Q: Teaching students at young age the truth of Columbus could be risky, how do you think they should change it?

A: I think they should say like he wanted to go to India, but got lost and made it to America, but he didn’t discover it because Native Americans were already here. They shouldn’t go into the full depth of what happened but say like he took over and destroyed everything they had. Later on in school when they’re older teach the depth of what actually happened.

Q: What should be celebrated instead of Columbus day?

A: I think should celebrate the Native Americans and Indigenous people who were killed and were there when Columbus came to America.

Q: Okay last question, should Rowan College of South Jersey observe Columbus Day?

A: No, there are so many colleges and universities around the country who do not observe it so why should we

America is a country for everyone and Native Americans were here first. Christopher Columbus did not discover it. He was a terrible person and should not be celebrated. The celebration of him is disrespectful to Native Americans and Indigenous people all around the country. Instead of celebrating him we should celebrate them and their bravery and their lives. Schools across the country should switch what they teach about him and tell the truth. Students should know America was not discovered by him and what he did. All in all, Columbus day should be forgotten and should be known as Indigenous People day to celebrate all indigenous people around the country.

Art and its Impact

By: Charan Jot Rattan


Rowan college of south jersey offers many classes when it comes to electives. An art of some kind is always required for each major. One class in particular that stands out from the choices is Art Appreciation. I took Art Appreciation my first semester in college. I have always loved art, artists, painting and much more when it comes to art. I have always been in awe whenever I see a famous painting or learn about a new artist. My favorite painter is Claude Monet. His waterlilies painting always makes me happy when I see it. Art has changed so much over the years and in the Art Appreciation class you learn about different ways art has changed and all the different techniques.

When you take the class and go to the bookstore to get your supplies for the class you buy an entire kit. The kit has everything you need for the class so that you don’t have to buy everything separately. In the kit you get a sketchbook, colored pencils, pastel colors, paint, brushes etc. I like that they think of the students in that way instead of making them buy all the things separately you have it ready for you to use.

The class is at the Millville Arts and Innovation center which is only a few minute drive from the college. In the Arts and Innovation center there is a mini gallery of art and exhibit of the current artist that is there. It gives students the chance to see new art they haven’t seen. The professor takes the students to see the gallery during class as well. Art is a great way to expand your horizons and learn new things. From the arts we have learned so much culture and new things. I am a lover of Art and you too can be a lover of art.


Campus Life

By: Charan Jot Rattan


Campus life can be fun but also stressful. I talked a student and friend at Rowan about their day to day life. Being a student and working full time and doing volunteer work can stress anyone out. Many students have more to their life than just doing school work and coming to class. Let’s see how this student handles it.

Q: What is your name?


A: Cynthia Lascarez


Q: What is your major?


A: My Major is Biological Science and I minor in Chemistry, Neuroscience, psychology pre-health


Q: How many classes do you take?


A: I take 5 classes



Q: Wow that is a lot are there any other things you do besides going to school?


A: Yes I do research for the school when I am not in class and I have grant meetings and I volunteer at Inspira.


Q: So you have a full plate of work. How do you manage your stress?


A: I workout a lot and do kick boxing classes and I also hangout with my friends as a stress reliever because they help me get away from my crazy life. Whenever I have a stressful week I work out a lot because it helps me decompress and just refresh from everything.


Q: That sounds fun it is always a great to get away from your life for a little. Would you say that you like going to college and enjoy getting an education?


A: I do because I want to further my career and become someone who helps people and make my family proud. I want to be able to help people and treat people who can’t afford hospitals.


Q: What is the career you are trying to pursue?


A: I want to go to Medical School and become an Infectious Disease Doctor. The lab I do research at is for working with Infectious Diseases and how to stop them and slow them down.


Q: Wow that is really good. Okay last question, do you like going to Rowan?


A: Yes I do because the campus is an ideal location. I’m near so many things and my close to my family. I have such a busy life and I am always on the run so being super close to my family is an amazing thing because after a long stressful week I can go home and relax with them and just getaway.


Cynthia Lascarez is a full time student who also works, volunteers in her community. She manages stress by working out, hanging out with friends. Students who have hectic schedules often have hobby’s to have a sense of getting away from their life. There are so many students who work and go to class and they have such busy lives, but they still manage to make it to class and do their work. Students who work and go to school get things done and have a busy schedule. They have crazy lives and do so much to further their life and career and get their degree. Students love going to Rowan because it is right near their home, but they still get the feeling of being away for school. They offer so many classes and have tons of different majors. You can also go to the Rowan College of South Jersey which is good for the people who don’t want to go to the main campus. I enjoy going to the south jersey campus. It is close to my home and I take classes for the fraction of a cost I would at an university. Students work to get forward in life and Rowan helps them with that. Everyone should think about going to Rowan if they want to further their education and go forward with their career. Rowan is  a great college and great place for succeeding.


How to Improve Mental Health on Campus

By: Charan Rattan

Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Stress. These are all present in students lives every day. Whether its from problems they deal with at home or the weight of their school. Most students work and go to school full time. They stress themselves out to the maximum level. Students who strive to be the best at everything end up paying the price with their mental health. They don’t take care of themselves because they’re too worried about getting that A on the test. Students should care for their mental health just as much as they do their grade.

There are so many ways to take care of yourself when it comes to your mental health. Start with breathing exercises. Every day for two do some breathing exercises just to relax yourself and help with your anxiety. When you feel anxious your breathing gets heavy and you feel out of breath, but with deep breathing exercises you feel calm, cool and collected. Another way to help with anxiety is doing something called grounding. Grounding is when you use your senses to bring focus to what is going on physically instead being engulfed with your thoughts.

  • Grounding
    • 5 things you can see
    • 4 things you can touch
    • 3 things you can hear
    • 2 things you can smell
    • 1 thing you can taste

This helps you feel less anxious makes you focus on your surroundings rather than your thoughts.

Mental Health Counseling is also available on campus. If anyone is ever feeling to stressed out or too much on their mind, seeing the mental health counselor is great way to talk to someone without feeling judged or pressured. They are there for us. They do not need to the school any of your information anything you tell them is between you and them. Its like going to on campus therapy, but its cost-free. Most people avoid therapy because of the cost, but the on-campus mental health counselor is free for students.

College campuses around the country are also getting on-campus therapy dogs. People in between classes can play with the dogs and just hang out with them. Animals help with mental health and can boost your mood. Another way to help take care of yourself is doing things you love to do. Whether is reading a good mystery novel or going to the movies with your best friends every week. You should do it because it gives you something to look forward to in the week. The semester has just started and there is so much going on in your life. Take a moment for yourself so you don’t get stressed and just breathe. You can get through this semester and the entire school year. Follow these tips and speak to someone if you need help. The college cares about your mental health.




Is Homework Pointless?


Staff Writer

Education is a journey that almost every American begins. Along with the rise of learning and teaching, comes homework. Homework has a negative connotation from when it is first assigned in beginning levels, up to college level. It is the classic “weekend killer.” Homework is assigned to supply the student with extra help and support with the content that is discussed within that day; however, does it actually help? 

The article entitled “Does Homework Help You Learn, on The Learning Network, stated that in 2008 survey, one-third of parents polled rated the quality of their children’s homework assignments as fair or poor. Four out of the 10 surveyed believe that the assignments were assigned as “busywork.” When a student brings home their homework, they usually receive help from their parents. It can be frustrating as a parent if they feel that the assignment is not helping their child’s education. The Program for International Student Assessment released in December 2011 that the Americans students are mired in the middle of international rankings: 17th in reading, 23rd in science, and 31st in math. 

Cathy Vatterott, an education professor at the University of Missouri-St. Louis, supports a rule for students with homework. The “10-minute rule” is the maximum amount of time homework should take a student per grade. She expressed that just because a student does homework, that doesn’t mean they are going to perform better. She questioned, “does homework cause achievement, or do high achievers do more homework, correlation is not causation.” Vatterott believes instead of quantity of homework, the quality should be the main focus.  

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Principal Jackie Glasheen of Kelly Elementary School said in an interview with a local TV station, “We want them to go to soccer practice or football practice, and we want them to go to bed. And that’s it.” Schools have been following along with this debate and eliminating homework. A New York City public school eliminated traditional homework assignments in favor of family time. There are those who were outraged; however, it earned a lot of support from parents and other education leaders.  

Schools should take the community into consideration when it comes to students’ educational plans. Teachers could also try less traditional homework styles to compensate for the ten-minute rule. Some teachers have been doing a “flip classroom.” I had a few teachers who participated in this style of teaching. It allows the student to read or watch videos about a lesson, and then do the actual homework in class. This allowed the students to get the quality leaning they needed in the lesson instead of having busy work. The students would review the material at home, then apply the learned material in class. Educators encourage the students and parents to become involved in the educational journey. They want the families to communicate with the teacher to see if they can provide a better style of homework or teaching that works best for that student. Overall, if a student can’t get their teacher to do the “no homework policy,” they should express to their teachers that they are struggling and create a new plan for their education.  

Coast Guard Madness


Staff Writer

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A mass shooting is an incident that involves multiple individuals that involves firearms through Politifact California, an article entitled, “How is a mass shooting defined,” written by Chris Nicholas. Mass shootings have sadly become a common term that has arisen since Columbine and the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting in 2012 in the United States. Mass shootings can occur because of bullying, religion, racism, politics, etc. They can even occur for no particular reason, which is one of the biggest mysteries behind these horrific events. About 40% of individuals in the United States have a firearm in their household. The U.S also has the highest manslaughter average to develop in the world cited BBC News on October 27, 2018.  

There have been over 90 mass shootings in the U.S since 1982, according to the investigative magazine Mother Jones. The mass shootings that had the highest death rates are Las Vegas, Nevada in 2017 with 58 deaths. Then, following second is Orlando, Florida in 2016 with 49 deaths. To put into perspective how much a gun actually cost, an assault rifle, the gun reportedly found in Paddock’s room, cost around $1500. A MacBook cost around the same thing. An individual that can afford to buy a MacBook for college, could also be buying an assault rifle. A handgun, also reportedly among Paddock’s arsenal and is used in most shootings, cost around $200. If a parent was buying their child a Chromebook for Christmas, they also could be getting a handgun.  

Politically, the country is divided in half on gun control and laws. Whether they are Democrats or Republicans, they are divided. The most common arguments are that the U.S should allow guns because it allows the individuals to be safer at their own cost. They also use the 2nd amendment, “the right to bear arms,” to protect their rights. Those who disagree express that at the moment in time that the Amendments were written, guns were not as advanced as they were now.  

Recently, there has been an individual who was going to commit a large-scale mass shooting on Democratic politicians according to CCN Politics. The individual was a Coast Guard lieutenant; he was arrested last Friday. Christopher Paul Hasson, 49, of Silver Spring, Maryland, was arrested on gun and drug charges and allegedly wanted to conduct a mass shooting. The evidence received states that Hasson is a white supremacist who had a hit list of Democratic politicians and several journalists. His list included Alexandria Occasion-Cortez, Chuck Schumer, Cory Booker, Richard Blumenthal, and Kamala Harris.  

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Hasson was dedicated to his “practice” because he also hoarded steroids and human growth supplements to “increase his ability to conduct attacks.” His arrest was originally led by the Coast Guard themselves. They wanted Hasson to be investigated. There was evidence found by prosecutors that Hasson wrote a draft email stating, “I am dreaming of a way to kill almost every last person on the Earth.” Another draft email that supports the Coast Guards claims states “We need a white homeland as Europe seems lost.” Investigators searched the phrases, “do senators have secret service protection.” “are supreme court justices protected,” and “best place in DC to see Congress people,” 

After the initial investigation, law enforcement agents executed a search warrant on Hasson’s apartment in Silver Spring, Maryland. They found approximately 15 guns and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition. It is assumed that Hasson accumulated firearms over the course of two years. The stockpile is estimated at thousands of dollars.  

Hasson was indeed enlisted into the Coast Guard, but he was also a U.S Marine. He was in the Marine Corps from 1988 until 1992. He attained the rank of corporal. From CBS News, the prosecutors from the U.S attorney’s office in Maryland wrote, “The defendant is a domestic terrorist, bent on committing acts dangerous to human life that are intended to affect governmental conduct.” He will appear on Thursday for his hearing at the U.S District Court for the District of Maryland states CNN Politics.  

Imagine if Christopher Hasson was able to perform this gruesome act. The world would be without more mothers, fathers, friends, and family members. This action was based on personal behavior with those individuals. He was completely suitable to complete this crime because he was military trained in two different branches of service. He was cold-blooded and would more than likely committed those crimes if he had the chance. It is important to keep in mind, regardless whether you agree or disagree with gun laws and their restrictions, should this man have had the access and ability that he did to even begin preparations on this shooting? How can the United States as a community, survive these destructive and heart-wrenching acts?  

School Policies and Limitations: CCC


Staff Writer

 At Cumberland County College, there are policies and rules. Each policy and rule can be found throughout CCC’s website and at the end of most professors’ syllabus. CCC gives students multiple options to give them the opportunity of understanding their policies. Each professor is given the ability to choose their own rules and guidelines for their own individual class. Some students disagree with professors’ rules because of the situation these students are placed in. The question is, should teachers be able to have personalized rules for their own classroom or should all professors have to follow a guideline.  

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There are some policies that are school-wide, such as the Academic Integrity policy. The Academic Policy states, “Plagiarism is cheating. Plagiarism is presenting in written work, in public speaking, and in oral reports the ideas or exact words of someone else without proper documentation. Whether the act of plagiarism is deliberate or accidental [ignorance of the proper rules for handling material is no excuse], plagiarism is, indeed, a “criminal” offense. As such, a plagiarized paper or report automatically receives a grade of ZERO and the student may receive a grade of F for the semester at the discretion of the instructor.” This policy is Cumberland County’s biggest priority. This policy is expected by every student to followed and respected. Schools are strict about plagiarism and they show the true results of plagiarizing. Students can receive zero credit for that assignment, can possibly be dropped from the class, or even worst being expelled from the campus.  

There is a lockdown guideline that is also followed campus-wide. That guideline states, “Cumberland County College values the safety and well-being of its campus community. Accordingly, strategies for lockdown preparation and drills have been developed to help guide behavior in the event of an actual lockdown. Instructors should discuss with their students the 2 roles and responsibilities each will have during the event of a lockdown using the college’s guidelines and postings.” This guideline is supposed to make students feel safe and secure while attending CCC. The State of New Jersey Department of New Jersey says that it is a state law (18A:41-1) for New Jersey to have at least one fire drill and one school security drill each year, preferably every month. This procedure gives the students the ability to feel secure while attending college. 

When it comes to individual teachers, they create their own syllabus that contains their own rules and procedures. For example, there was a teacher that refused to allow the students to use the bathroom within the class. He expressed that students should use the bathroom before or after class; however, that is hard sometimes because of the time frame given in between class. Alyssa Wilson expressed that it was hard to use the restroom sometime before class because her previous class was across campus in the science buildings, but she has to travel to the academic building. It was also difficult because the bathrooms, especially the girls, there is usually a line of 3 to four girls. There is also only two bathrooms in the academic building, one upstairs and one downstairs. She said, “it can be challenging because you don’t want to be marked absent just because it took you an extra two minutes in the bathroom, so now you’re forced to hold it because you don’t want point deducted from your grade because you have to excuse yourself for five minutes.”  

At this stage in our academic careers where everyone attending college is an adult. They know the consequences of falling asleep in class, texting in class, or even not showing up to class. Students are paying for their education. They are not being forced to be at college; therefore, they should have the choice to not pay attention if they choose. Wilson stated, “I am paying for my college; if I have to use the bathroom, I should be able to leave the classroom. I have a personal life just like others, if I have to text someone back or leave the classroom to make a phone call, I should be able to.” Wilson concluded, “I don’t understand why professors feel that they need to treat us like we are in elementary school as if we constantly need their permission when the students are the ones paying to be there.”  

I believe that students should be given access to spend their time in the classroom however they feel as long as they are not being disruptive in the classroom. I think the school should have class regulations to avoid professors from certain limitations. This could make college more reasonable and possibly more enjoyable knowing they are given more freeway.  

Is College A Stressor?


Staff Writer

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In 2019, mental health has become a common and more accepted topic to discuss publicly. This mental crisis has been receiving help and focus it has needed. Stress was referred to as something that only affected adults; however, it has been a fact that stress can affect all ages. Stress is a fixation on an object or thought that causes tension, according to Merriam-Dictionary. Teens who are graduating from high school and following their education path to a college have been feeling more stressed. According to ABC News, three out of every four college students reported at least one stressful life event in the past year. Twenty percent said they faced more than five stressful life events within the same time frame. These stressors can be relationships, schooling, work, etc.  

College students have an increase in anxiety, depression, and stress because they are being placed in a completely different atmosphere. They are meeting new people, have new schedules, some are in different states away from home. Students are removed from the comfort zones are demanded to adjust. For example, a new college student is in a new state, does not know anyone, and is forced to do an immense amount of homework. It can be extremely difficult to handle at times.  

Alyssa Wilson is a student at Cumberland County College. She is nineteen and in her third semester of her associate’s degree. Unlike some students, Wilson lives nearby; however, is paying for her education completely by herself. She is a full-time worker and has her own bills. She can be a student who struggles from stress because she is a full-time student, taking five classes per semester, squeezing in winter and summer classes for her degree, working forty hours each week at her job, but where is her free time? She is a student with an incredible workload that has to manage her time precisely to meet all her needs or it could lead to a failure. She says “having these responsibilities are definitely a stressing. I am constantly checking blackboard making sure I’ve completed everything. Being full-time at work and school can be really hard when your work schedule does not allow enough time for homework to be finished.” Ms. Wilson is putting her disadvantages aside and still succeeding. She is planned to graduate in May 2019 with her degree here at Cumberland County College. She should be proud of herself being able to deal with life, stress, and keeping herself motivated. She jokingly, “having a break time can be rewarding because I do not get them often” 

Understanding the difficulties of college and how they affect the mental brain, could revolutionize colleges. Since stress is becoming more aware of and expressed, colleges have been giving programs to help students with these struggles. There are hotlines and services for the students. Cumberland County has services and clubs to try to de-stress students. They have chess club, poetry club, to even math club. They have different activities for students to make college more enjoyable. An individual can seek stress or mental health support at betterhelp.com or call 1(800)-273 8225 hotlines